Dos and Don'ts for Linux Classic VPS, SSD VPS, and Linux Private Cloud VPS :

  1. Please allow ssh/cPanel access before enabling any third-party firewall or anti-virus application.

  2. Do not modify Firewall settings if you are not familiar with it.

  3. Do not disable or modify network card settings.


  1. We never recommend any third party application which can modify or disable VPS network card settings.

  2. We strongly recommend that you keep your Linux VPS updated by installing Yum Updates and updating the Latest Kernel version.

  3. Don't modify the SSH Port if you are not aware of it.

  4. For the customer having cPanel installed, Don't modify the following configurations files directly from ssh.

  • Apache Configuration files.

  • BIND(DNS) Configuration files.

  • Exim Related Configuration files.
  1. Do not use phpMyAdmin to create databases or database users. phpMyAdmin does not map databases, which causes backups and restores to not function.

  2. Create Email Accounts, FTP Accounts, Directly from the cPanel.

  3. If you copy or move data directly via SSH, please ensure you are setting proper permissions and/or ownership otherwise you will not be able to manage it from File Manager and you may receive an error while access website.

  4. Before installing any third-party software on your server, make sure you check the compatibility with cPanel.

12. We don't recommend any kind of customizing on our Multilocation VPS. For example, if you change the SSH port and the server will be inaccessible, we will not be able to get it accessible again. That vps will need to rebuild from scratch and you will lose the Data.

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