Default Files and Folders in WebsitePanel Account

While we create new WebsitePanel account, you may find following files and folders:

  1. wwwroot: In order to make your website publicly available over the Internet, always upload your web pages and images into this folder.

  2. wwwroot/cgi-bin: It is recommended to keep your Perl and CGI script files into this folder.

  3. wwwroot/web.config: web.config file is settings and configuration file for an ASP.NET web applications. You will find this XML file in the root directory of your website or application.

  4. Logs: This folder is managed by web server itself, it keeps your website log information for e.g. site visitors, FTP activity, etc. Do not delete this folder, unless you may loss your web statistics.

  5. Data: This folder is useful to manage database file and particularly Microsoft Access database file. Always upload your database file into this folder.
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